welcome to our direct mail services!

Ready to sprinkle some traditional charm into your marketing mix? You’ve landed in the perfect spot! Let’s dive into what makes our direct mailing services a notch above the rest.

how we roll with full-service direct mail services

First things first, we’re all about understanding your audience. We’ll dig deep to uncover who they are, what makes them tick, and where they hang out. With this treasure trove of info, we’ll craft eye-catching designs and compelling copy to make sure your message pops.

Once we’ve nailed the perfect look and feel, it’s off to the printers! Whether it’s postcards, letters, or brochures, we’ll ensure your materials look sharp and ready to impress.

Then comes the fun part: delivering those goodies straight to your audience. We’ll handle all the nitty-gritty details like postage and addressing, so you can kick back and relax.

But wait, there’s more! We’re not just about sending stuff out and crossing our fingers. We’re all about tracking and measuring. With tools like QR codes, USPS mail tracking, and personalized URLs, we’ll keep an eye on how your mailing campaign is performing.

why choose pixa?

Well, besides being a joy to work with, we’re total pros at this. With 42 years of direct mail experience under our belt, we know it’s more than just sending out mail—it’s about making connections, sparking conversations, and driving action. Think of us as the go-to experts in direct mail personalization and variable data. Whether you’re in need of Full-Service Direct Mail or want to explore the cutting-edge world of Dynamic Digital Direct Mail, our team has got you covered.


  • Personalized, Tailored Campaigns: Our team collaborates closely with you to design and execute direct mail campaigns that resonate with your specific audience, ensuring your message shines. Personalized marketing is our jam.
  • Creative Design: Our creative wizards craft visually appealing mail pieces that grab attention and drive action. From postcards to brochures to dimensional mailers, we make sure your brand’s voice and vision come through loud and clear.
  • Data-Driven Targeting: Using advanced data analytics, we pinpoint and target the most relevant demographics for your campaign. This means your message hits the right people, boosting your ROI.
  • End-to-End Service: From concept and design to printing and mailing, we handle every aspect of your campaign. Our seamless process ensures timely delivery and top-notch quality.
  • Measurable Results: We provide thorough tracking and analytics to measure your campaign’s success. Gain insights into response rates, customer engagement, and overall effectiveness to keep fine-tuning your strategy.
  • Dynamic Digital Direct Mail: Besides traditional mail, we offer cutting-edge Dynamic Digital Direct Mail solutions, integrating personalized URLs and QR codes to perfectly blend physical and digital marketing.
  • Experts in Personalization and Variable Data: We specialize in personalization and variable data printing, ensuring each piece of mail is uniquely tailored to its recipient, boosting engagement and response rates.

ready to get started? let’s make your next mailing campaign unforgettable!

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